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I am building a dashboard for our family computer. It will help my family get excited about things coming up and to stay organized. Maybe it can help yours too.
Articles, tutorials, and other content I've written about web development. You can also view them by tag.
I am building a dashboard for our family computer. It will help my family get excited about things coming up and to stay organized. Maybe it can help yours too.
In February I found out my hands are wearing down. I searched for ways to keep up my productivity while typing less. I'll tell you about the tools and workflow I've adopted that has helped relieve some work and pain from my hands.
On the advice of an orthopedic surgeon, I am taking a break from typing for the next eight weeks. Here are some tools and techniques I've found to help maintain productivity as a lead application developer and manager.
Developers have many options when creating their own website. I always recommend WordPress for organizations and businesses, but I decided to move my personal website to a static site generator called VitePress. I'll explain the tradeoffs.
We have 3 kids under 8 and it’s hard to find time to do things for myself. They come first. If I thought that doing side projects didn’t help them at all, then I wouldn’t do it. Time is much harder to find these days and I think much differently about why I’m working on a side project than I did at first. I thought that was worth sharing here.
It’s old news, but on February 2, 2020 (02/02/2020) Github preserved a snapshot of every active public repository. This code was compressed as individual TAR files, QR-encoded, and then preserved in film. They believe the preservation process will allow the code to be preserved in this state for 1,000 years.